Shrek Games

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Shrek Games

After devastating his successful films, the green ogre arrives to your device ready to star in a stinking handful of Shrek games with his wife Fiona, the offspring of children in full (composed of Farkle, Fergus and Felicia), the talkative Donkey and the cat with boots. Things have changed a lot in the swamp since Shrek was a grumpy and lonely ogre. Today, with family and obligations, he no longer has time to scare away the villagers as he used to. Of course these are no longer afraid of the ogre, so everything is perfectly balanced. And what does Shrek do when he gets bored ?, then call colleagues and fuss. Together and scrambled celebrate Christmas, belching until there is not even a wisp of air in their guts and walk the streets of the Very Far Kingdom on a skateboard. Of all that you will be happy witness and participant thanks to our fun games of Shrek. You can also color them, mount puzzles with them or play to memorize their characteristics more or less monstrous effigies. Burrrrp !!